A final compromise on the new Stage V exhaust emission regulation is expected soon. After the vote in the European Parliament in September and the agreement in Council before the summer, the trialogue discussions between the three EU institutions (Commission, Parliament, Council) started several weeks ago. Meetings took place where the different amendments were discussed. It now seems that there is an agreement between the three institutions on the following points that are relevant to CEMA:
- An extension of the transition period by six months
- An SME provision which give manufacturers producing less than 90 machines per year an extra year of transition period
- Allowing broken engines to be replaced with new engines of the same stage as the engine that is replaced for a period between 16 and 18 years
A provision on narrow tractors will be included as well. More details on this provision are explained in the related article.
These compromises are still not official, and a final agreement is expected in the coming weeks or the latest in the first week of next year. Afterwards, this agreement will be confirmed by the European Parliament and Council. Publication will follow in the first half of 2016.
At the same time, the preparations for the delegated and implementing act are continuing as well. But no controversial political decisions are expected in these acts. These are expected to be finalized next year.