Baldwin Filters Releases New Corporate Video

Baldwin Filters has released a new four-minute corporate video which gives a behind-the-scenes look at how filters are made.

Baldwin Filters Corporate Video Photo
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Baldwin Filters announces the release of a new corporate video, “Baldwin Filters – Behind the Scenes.”

The four-minute video offers a fresh, fast-paced look at Baldwin Filters, where its filters are found and how they are made.

“We are excited to offer this new video,” says Kevin Connolly, Vice President of Marketing at Baldwin Filters. “Behind the Scenes gives viewers a glimpse at our worldwide operations, as well as an overview of the broad range of applications our filters are used on.”

“The video also features our manufacturing process and our research and testing facilities, which allows viewers to see the quality built into each Baldwin filter,” Connolly says.

The video can be viewed on the Baldwin Filters website.
