At bauma 2013, DEUTZ AG unveiled its strategic program of Integrated System Solutions, 'ISS' for short. The idea behind 'DEUTZ Integrated System Solutions' is that a range of complementary product solutions and services should integrate the diesel engine and the exhaust aftertreatment system (EAT) into the final product's driveline in the most effective way possible. Examples of this on display at bauma were two wheel loaders from Atlas Weyhausen, DEUTZ AG's partner, which are equipped with a hydraulic start-stop system. This AR 85e wheel loader and the AR 60e are powered by DEUTZ TCD 3.6 and TD 2.9 which generate 80 kW, respectively 49 kW at 2,200 rpm. 'Start-stop hybridization' automatically switches off the engines at zero load; when load is applied again, the hydraulics immediately re-start the engine. This efficiently avoids the lengthy idling periods which are typically experienced with compact construction equipment and it reduces fuel consumption considerably.
Skillful optimization and system integration of the diesel engine and the equipment's own hydraulic system produce 'hybrid diesel-hydraulic drive solutions,' allowing construction equipment to achieve considerable improvements in performance and fuel consumption. In a hybrid diesel-hydraulic system, a special pressure reservoir takes on the role of the energy storage unit. Intelligent system optimization and electronic controls permit excess energy from the hydraulic system, e.g. when braking or operating under reduced load, to be temporarily stored in the pressure reservoir. When the equipment has to carry out its next manoeuver, the electronic controls actuate the pressure reservoir, thus ensuring that hydraulic power is immediately supplied and reducing the load on the diesel engine. In addition to considerable enhancements in equipment performance, fuel consumption improvements of up to 20% can be achieved, depending on the application and load cycle.
DEUTZ AG's ISS illustrates individual approaches to solutions for simplifying equipment installation by means of more flexible installation solutions and optimized hardware and software interfaces. Perfectly matched subsystems, e.g. customer-specific and equipment- specific EAT installation solutions, ancillary engine components, such as the accelerator pedal or instrument display, together with development services and software adaptation, all result in improved performance accompanied by lower operating costs.
The wheel loaders equipped with start-stop functionality were seen at bauma 2013 in the Atlas Weyhausen F8.808/1 outdoor exhibition area; details of ISS are available from DEUTZ.