Evans waterless coolant will once again be the coolant choice for the Vintage Adventurer’s next world record attempt. Australian motoring enthusiast Rod Wade, aka the Vintage Adventurer, is preparing to set a new world record in the Ocean 2 Ocean Challenge - America as he drives his 1930 Ford Model A against the clock from New York to California. The journey begins on Columbus Day (October 14) when Wade fills a bottle with water from the Atlantic Ocean, just off Staten Island. A mere 60 hours later the water will be poured into the Pacific Ocean when the team arrives at Venice Beach, Los Angeles. That’s when the clock will stop and a new world record will be set.
Wade and co-driver Michael Flanders will travel the 2,947 mile trip in under 60 hours, and they will do it with no water in the cooling system. Water will be on board to hydrate Wade and Flanders, but not a drop in the engine. Instead, they’ll be running with Evans High Performance waterless engine coolant. This past June the car completed the Peking to Paris Rally, considered to be the world’s greatest motoring challenge. Along this rigorous route, Evans waterless coolant successfully demonstrated its capabilities of performing under extreme conditions.
With a boiling point of 375 F, Evans High Performance Coolant will function well past the failure point of water-based coolants. Evans High Performance Coolant provides permanent cooling protection for the life of the engine, and protects against corrosion, electrolysis and cavitation erosion.
The Ford Model A will be on display at the Snyder’s Antique Auto Parts stand at the Antique Automobile Club of America’s Hershey Classic Car Show (October 9 to 12 in Hershey, PA), prior to setting off on this record-breaking adventure. The Ocean 2 Ocean Challenge - America will raise money for the American Kidney Fund.