Cummins Inc. has redefined efficiency once again by releasing three new ISX15 ratings ideal for premium fleets or performance-oriented line-haul applications. The new 475-, 450- and 400-hp ratings with 1,850 lbs.-ft. of torque will provide an optimal blend of performance and fuel efficiency for high-load applications or fleets that frequently encounter mountainous terrains and require strong pulling power.
The new fuel-efficient ratings build upon the class-leading low-end torque that is readily available at 1,000 rpm. Customers who traditionally opted for a 485 hp or 500 hp rating to access 1,850 lbs.-ft. of torque can now benefit from the superior fuel economy of operating at a lower rpm while satisfying performance expectations.
"Cummins has further optimized the 400-475 hp ISX15 ratings to address the needs of performance-oriented fleets and owner-operators while maintaining productivity and achieving better fuel economy," says Brett Merritt, Executive Director, On-Highway Business. "Our ISX15 continues to deliver superior fuel economy and performance, and hence remains the top choice for the North American heavy-duty market."
Customers that typically operate in high-load conditions (gross combined vehicle weight over 80,000 lbs.) or in mountainous terrains, and want to achieve better fuel economy should consider the 1,850 lbs.-ft. torque ratings. Customers that typically operate in light-load conditions (GCVW below 80,000 lbs.) or in hilly or flat terrains with achieving maximum fuel economy as an operational goal, should continue to use ISX15 SmartTorque ratings with up to 1,750 lbs.-ft. of torque.
The new 1,850 lbs.-ft. torque ratings are perfect to pair with manual and automated manual transmissions (AMTs) to harvest the benefit of gearing faster to operate at a lower rpm. Cummins offers electronic features designed to modulate torque ramp-up and vehicle acceleration through the lower side of the gear box, and to assist the driver in low-speed maneuvering. These features include Powertrain Protection, Vehicle Acceleration Management (VAM) and a new feature to be available in April called Smart-Acceleration. With Smart-Acceleration enabled, the Cummins ISX15 modulates the amount of commanded fueling, to control the torque ramp-up rate to a customer-defined threshold in specific gears.