Comer Industries initiates new social media campaign to further spread information about company's product developments

Comer Industries has joined several social networks to better interact with its customers and enhance the spread of information about the company's various product developments.

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Comer Industries is on social networks. Access the company's profile and follow the updates on Comer Industries’ news and events. Click on Facebook and become a "fan" to chat with the company directly; use Twitter’s 140 characters to tweet news and updates. Stay in touch with the company through its Google+ profile.

Professionals will easily reach Comer Industries thanks to the corporate page on LinkedIn.

On the YouTube channel watch videos about Comer Industries and the products being developed in partnership with the major manufacturers of agricultural machinery, construction equipment, industrial and renewable energy applications worldwide.

These initiatives are part of the Comer Industries’ new communication strategy, which was launched with the website renewal and development.

Presence on social networks is directed to new communications platform users and is meant to boost the circulation of information enhancing interaction with customers, partners and associates.

In addition to the company news, social channels highlight the innovations concerning Comer Industries’ sectors: agricultural machinery, construction equipment, industrial and renewable energy applications.

According to estimates in the recent report from the U.S. site "Worldwide Social Network Users: 2013 Forecast and Comparative Estimates,” the popularity of social networks is never-ending. Social network users worldwide will rise from 1.47 billion in 2012 to 1.73 billion this year, with an 18% increase.
