CECE Says Construction Equipment Should not be Included in Clean Vehicles Directive

CECE opposes the inclusion of construction equipment in a new Clean Vehicles Directive due to its diversity and work condition requirements being different from that of road transport.

The Directive 2009/33/EC on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road vehicles (Clean Vehicles Directive) is under revision. In November 2017, the European Commission proposed a new directive COM (2017) 653 amending 2009/33/EC; the document is currently under discussion in both European Council and Parliament. 

Some of the amendments tabled within the Environment Committee of the European Parliament last June propose to include construction machinery in the scope of the Clean Vehicles Directive.

CECE opposes this proposal.

Indeed, construction equipment is highly diverse, non-standardised and produced in smaller quantities than vehicles and therefore should not be considered as road transport such as passenger cars, buses, coaches and trucks. Work conditions, safety requirements and infrastructure during construction projects have to be clearly differentiated from road transport use, especially regarding electrification or alternative fuels use.
