AMAZONE CCI Terminal with MiniView Display

At Agritechnica 2015, AMAZONE announced its MiniView display is now integrated within its CCI 100 terminal which eliminates the need to scroll through multiple screens or displays to see pertinent machine data.

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AMAZONE announces the MiniView display has now been integrated within the CCI 100 operating terminal.

  • Enables operators to see most important machine data such as speed, application rate, tank or hopper contents, spreading disc speed, etc. on the part-width section control display on the CCI 100
  • Provides all information in a single location, eliminating need to page between part-width section control and machine operation screens
  • Includes new software version with incorporated pocket calculator
  • CCI 100 has the ability to process application maps in shapefile format
  • Features automatic tramlining function for sowing systems, controlling tramline switchover with the aid of parallel driving module within terminal and ensuring it's always in the correct position


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