Continental MultiViu Compact 4 Display

Continental introduced its MultiViu Compact 4 programmable display, offering visibility in both high and low light conditions, at bauma 2016.

Continental pp MultiViu Compact 4 572264afd6b58
Continental Logo

Continental has introduced the MultiViu Compact 4 programmable display.

  • Compactly designed, measuring 4.3 in. which is smaller than many smartphones
  • Designed to look like a tablet
  • Equipped with two CAN inputs, one video input, and multiple digital and analog inputs and outputs
  • Easy to read even in low light conditions due to particularly bright and air bubble-free bonded TFT module (optical bonding) that can be optionally added on request
  • Features black, homogeneous surface (black-panel design) when switched off to fit into any interior design concept
  • Ruggedly designed to be water- and vibration-proof
  • Optional built-in Bluetooth module enables driver to easily retrieve vehicle information like oil or fuel levels by mobile phone
  • Screen can also display messages from a smartphone
  • Can be easily adapted to individual customer requirements; customized glass covers including a logo, 10 pilot lights and four menu buttons at screen’s bottom edge


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