POSITAL Display Units for Rotary Encoders

The POSITAL digital display units can be directly connected to the company's IXARC, TILTIX or LINARIX sensors to provide direct readout of position, rotational speed or angular displacement.

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POSITAL has added a series of stand-alone digital display units to its catalog of accessories.

  • Connects directly to POSITAL's IXARC rotary encoders, TILTIX inclinometersLINARIX linear sensors
  • Provides direct readout of position, rotational speed or angular displacement
  • Available with Analog, SSI or incremental inputs depending on type of sensor
  • Built-in output conversion (D/A or A/D) is also available, with one analog and up to four digital output channels
  • Provides simple, convenient and accurate measurement tool for on-site position or speed measurement
  • Output channels, enable integrate of sensor and display into more complex control systems
  • Compact size and sturdy construction allows use close to machinery where sensors are mounted
  • Can be programmed to display angular position, linear position or rotational speed directly and to provide limit warnings or cam-follower functionality
  • Programming can be done through front-panel buttons or with easy-to-use PC-based programming tool 



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