The Bossard Group has made larger investments in the past few years towards expanding the group’s own infrastructure. The relocation to this new technology and logistics center in Hvidovre, near Copenhagen, at the beginning of the year was in line with this strategy. The new center will play an important role in developing the Baltic region: From Hvidovre the company can efficiently supply products and services to customers in Denmark, Sweden, Norway as well as the Baltic States and
Eastern Europe.
Attached to the new technology center is a state-of-the-art testing laboratory for product developments and tests, which is oriented to the challenging customer requirements. David Dean, CEO of the Bossard Group, underlines, “We are the leading provider of fastening technology solutions in Denmark. Thanks to the new technology center we are now able to make even better use of our competency. We can significantly contribute to our customers’ product development with the modern infrastructure in Hvidovre and our proven specialized engineering expertise.” Bossard Denmark’s products and services appeal above all to industry customers in the fields of electronics and mechanical engineering.
The building complex in Hvidovre has over 2,300 m² of office area and nearly 7,000 m² of warehouse space. The expanded high bay warehouse is oriented to a storage capacity of 4,500 tons. Up to 150 people can be employed at this new site. Bossard has realized ambitious aims with respect to productivity and efficiency with this important project to develop the Scandinavian and Baltic Sea region. The convenient location in Hvidovre has made it possible to optimize the transport routes for customers and suppliers. All in all, with the new center Bossard has created the conditions for customers to be able to quickly and
efficiently have the required goods and services at their disposal.