Renault Trucks will be attending the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Paris where it will present two major innovations for the transport sector. The first of these will be an all-electric 4.5 t truck, the Maxity Electric, equipped with a hydrogen fuel cell. The second innovation is a 16 t all-electric truck, the Renault Trucks D all-electric vehicle. These two trucks are currently being tested under actual operating conditions with the French Post Office at Dole (Jura) and Speed Distribution on behalf of Guerlain in Paris.
Symbio FCell, La Poste, McPhy Energy and the Compagnie nationale du Rhône (CNR) have decided to display the hydrogen fuel cell powered Maxity Electric on their stand at the Bassin de la Villette, in order to highlight hydrogen-based solutions that combat climate change as part of their “Paris in the Future” initiative. Since February 2015, Renault Trucks and the French Post Office have been operating a 4.5 t Renault T electric truck powered by a hydrogen fuel cell developed by Symbio FCell which doubles the vehicle’s operating range, extending it to 200 km. This fuel cell solution makes it possible to overcome two of the major limitations which have so far hampered the development of electrically-powered vehicles: their operating range and recharging time, since the time taken to refuel a vehicle with hydrogen is comparable to that of a vehicle running on diesel fuel.
At COP21, in association with the “Climate Visits” presented by the Ile-de-France ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency), Renault Trucks is also giving visitors the opportunity of discovering concrete solutions to combat climate change already underway in Paris. The Climate Visit N° 3 will therefore also take in the Guerlin Boutique and offices at 68, avenue des Champs-Elysées, where those taking part will have the opportunity of discovering the all-electric Renault Trucks D. This vehicle, which has been undergoing tests under actual operating conditions for the past 18 months by Speed Distribution Logistique, a specialized Ile-de-France carrier for Guerlain, generates no noise or polluting emissions during its nightly deliveries to Guerlain’s Boutiques in the French capital.
It carries out full 200 km delivery rounds in all-electric mode, taking advantage of partial recharges carried out according to its battery capacity and the carefully planned delivery route.
Renault Trucks has been testing several different technologies under actual operating conditions for some time, in partnership with clients having an assertive strategy with regard to zero-emission vehicles operating in urban environments. Renault Trucks’ aim is to prepare
a cost-effective zero-emission solution for its clients by the year 2020.