An international committee of experts awarded DEUTZ-FAHR a silver medal in the Agritechnica Innovation Awards 2015 for the Driver Extended Eyes innovation, a camera-based system which focuses on safety.
The contest, promoted by DLG, the organizing authority of Agritechnica tradeshow in Hannover, has the aim to emphasize forefront technologies and innovative concepts that are able to contribute to the evolution of agricultural equipment and machinery, to show new functions or improve known processes.
The increased dimensions of agricultural machinery has created restricted visibility, especially in the front area of the tractor. With Driver Extended Eyes technology, DEUTZ-FAHR aims to increase safety, especially on high-power and large machines, reducing all those industry accidents caused by the wide blind spot in the front area of the tractor. This concept is based on new camera system technology which has an intelligent Control Unit capable of managing up to six cameras. One of those cameras detects humans and calculates the distance of the human obstacle. The tractor receives an input that prevents any movement of the tractor until the individual is in the blind spot in front of the tractor. The system also includes additional cameras which are used to extend the view of the driver to the left and to the right-hand side at the front of the tractor. This is important when addressing an intersection with obstacles in the corner that the driver cannot see.
This new advanced technology has been developed by DEUTZ-FAHR, together with the organization BFFT, a design company in the automotive sector who specialize in smart applications, such as parking sensors and self-driving cars. The Driver Extended Eyes technology will be available from the end of next year in the DEUTZ-FAHR range.