In the context of the CAB Concept Cluster, a cooperation of known and established OEM suppliers and renowned scientists in the field, lighting and electronics expert HELLA will for the first time present the Smart CAB at Agritechnica. The multi-functional cab for self-propelled vehicles such as harvesters and field sprayers is already the Cluster's second project. By experiencing the cab directly at the joint CAB Concept Cluster stand, visitors can find out what is possible already today and in the future.
HELLA provided various lighting and electronics concepts for the cab, which can be realized and adjusted together with the manufacturer upon request. The vehicle is for example equipped with Matrix worklights. They minimize blinding of other vehicles on the field as individual segments can be dimmed. With its light reference sensor, HELLA also reduces auto-glare for the driver that might result from dust, auxiliary equipment or oncoming vehicles. The sensor recognizes which headlamp segments cause glare and dims these automatically. The eye-tracking camera integrated into the roof traces the driver's line of sight and dims the light in the remaining work area. The light will therefore be exactly where drivers need it for working.
The Smart CAB additionally integrates the new VISIOTECH projector system by HELLA. HELLA thus enables the possibility of environment communication using light. The projection module allows projecting logos and/or warning signals onto the ground for optically alerting other vehicles or passers-by. It can also optically delineate work areas.