Internet of Things Applications USA

At Internet of Things Applications USA visitors will have the opportunity to see new interconnectivity technologies first hand and learn about the latest trends.

November 14, 2018
November 15, 2018
5001 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Internet of Things Applications USA is the place to learn about developments in machine to machine automation using wireless sensors, mesh and cloud networks, and more. 

Presentations throughout the conference will focus on:

  • Mesh wireless sensors technology and case studies
  • Real time locating systems (RTLS) assessed: WiFi, UWB, ultrasound
  • Indoor Positioning Systems
  • Passive RFID and passive RFID sensors
  • Indoor Positioning Systems IPS
  • Ultra low power electronics
  • Energy storage for the internet of things
  • Energy harvesting
  • Printed and ubiquitous electronics

Internet of Things Applications USA is co-located with Energy Harvesting USA, as well as several other events including Graphene & 2D Materials USA, 3D Printing USA and Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing.