Caterpillar introduces Cat Connect Solutions to help customers manage and enhance operations

Cat Connect Solutions allows users to customize their technologies and services in order to efficiently manager equipment and jobsite operations.

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Cat Connect Solutions, a new framework for construction technologies and services, helps customers monitor, manage and enhance operations and gain more control of the jobsite. Using data from technology-equipped machines, customers get more information and insight into equipment and performance than ever before. Regardless of the size and complexity of the operation or the number of machines utilized, Cat Connect Solutions give customers the flexibility to find the right combination of technologies and services to meet jobsite requirements and deliver business results.

A goal with the introduction of Cat Connect Solutions is to make technology and the benefits it delivers easier to understand and apply. In many cases, expanding the use of Cat Connect Solutions only requires the addition of proprietary software, and in some instances, easily installed sensors or electronic components. In addition, a key commonality across most Cat Connect Solutions is the web-based user interface, VisionLink. By providing visibility to items like equipment location, status, availability and health, VisionLink helps people in the office analyze information quickly to respond accordingly.

Cat Connect Solutions consists of five solution sets—including Equipment Management, Productivity, Safety, Sustainability and Command. These solution sets work together to improve machine utilization and uptime, optimize production and enhance safety.

Equipment Management

Equipment Management Solutions (EMSolutions) help customers increase uptime and reduce operating costs. Monitoring fuel burn, location and utilization, as well as health and maintenance issues like hours and fluid contamination are just a few of the ways EMSolutions keep equipment running cost effectively. Using defined service levels, customers can work with Cat dealers to choose the support they want to help manage their equipment and improve their bottom line.


Productivity Solutions monitor production and manage jobsite efficiency. Using technology to measure payloads and cycle times can optimize production and reduce loading and hauling costs. By utilizing grade and compaction control technologies, operations get done faster with more accuracy and less rework. Productivity Solutions allow customers to get the most from the machine and the operator, while keeping operating costs at a minimum.


Safety Solutions increase jobsite awareness to keep people and equipment safe. On-board camera systems and object/proximity-detection systems significantly increase the operator's view point, contributing to a safer jobsite. In addition, enhanced features like tire monitoring and off-board safety reporting provide valuable learning and coaching opportunities for everyone on the jobsite.    


Sustainability Solutions reduce environmental impact and simplify compliance reporting. By monitoring fuel-burn and carefully managing resource consumption, customers can reduce operating costs and improve jobsite efficiency while protecting the environment in which they operate.


In the future, Command Solutions will help customers work safely and efficiently in harsh or challenging environments. Applying remote control, semiautonomous and autonomous technologies can help make equipment more productive and keep people safe on the jobsite.

In conclusion, Cat Connect Solutions make smart use of technology and services to give our customers the competitive edge and success they want.
