Trimble announces a new developer network that will allow third-party software companies to develop applications for its Android-based Trimble TMX-2050 display and web-based Connected Farm management solution. The new Ag Developer Network reflects Trimble's commitment to providing customers with a comprehensive suite of brand-agnostic farm management tools for coordinating field activities, managing disparate farm data, and making informed, real-time decisions.
"We are committed to creating workflows and functionality that best suits our customers' needs," says Pierre-Andre Rebeyrat, Marketing Director for Trimble's Agriculture Division. "With our developer community, we hope to encourage more specialized applications that satisfy local farming practices, language needs and reporting requirements around the world. As a result, our Connected Farm and TMX-2050 display customers will be able to view more complete data from multiple industry software platforms, machine manufacturers and specialized mobile applications to assist them in better managing the complex nature of their farming operations and diverse assets."
TMX-2050 Android-based Applications
Built on the Android operating system, the TMX-2050 display provides advanced GPS-based steering and machine guidance capabilities with an easy-to-use interface that is similar to other smartphones and tablets that farmers already use. With wireless connectivity and mobile applications on the TMX-2050 display, growers have unprecedented control over their field tasks and farm management operations without ever leaving the tractor cab.
Through the new Ag Developer Network, customers and developers will be able to collaborate with Trimble to create Android-based applications to address more specialized precision farming challenges. New third-party mobile applications will be available for download from the App Central marketplace on the TMX-2050 display. Users will be able to search and find the apps most useful to their farm operations, language and regional compliance requirements.
Connected Farm File Transfer API
As a web-based solution, Connected Farm integrates data from multiple precision farming technologies so growers can easily view information from field activities such as planting, spraying or harvesting—without the need to physically visit each field or manually compile information. Data from a wide range of machine makes and models combined with commodity markets data, weather forecasts, rainfall totals and irrigation monitoring offers growers an easy-to-use platform for total farm management. Growers can access the integrated data on the Connected Farm dashboard using Web-enabled devices such as smartphones, tablets or PCs.
The Ag Developer Network enables customers and third-party developers to engage with the Connected Farm Application Program Interfaces (APIs) for data sharing access with the Connected Farm. Third-party developers can use the APIs to send data files between their applications and Connected Farm, including prescription files, as-applied maps, boundaries and other precision farming data.
Companies interested in developing applications for the Android-based TMX-2050 display or Web-based Connected Farm platform can now visit agdeveloper.trimble.com to learn more about how to become a member of the network. Members of the Ag Developer Network will receive online access to software development tools in the form of a Software Developer Kit (SDK) for the TMX-2050 display or API for Connected Farm. The developer network Website also provides a streamlined app submission process with guidelines and forum support moderated by Trimble. App Central is expected to be available on the TMX-2050 display in September 2015.