Hemisphere GNSS C321 GNSS Smart Antenna and SiteMetrix Site Management Software

At CONEXPO 2017, Hemisphere GNSS introduced its C321 GNSS Smart Antenna and SiteMetrix Site Management Software to enable machine control and site management.

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Hemisphere GNSS Inc. has released the C321 GNSS Smart Antenna and SiteMetrix Site Management Software to help heavy equipment manufacturers deliver their own machine control and guidance solutions.

  • Multi-frequency, multi-GNSS antenna
  • Can be used as all-in-one construction base and rover site controller
  • Designed specifically for harsh construction environments
  • Combines Hemisphere’s Athena GNSS engine and Atlas L-band correction technologies with completely new webUI, offering customer-friendly performance
  • Meets IP67 requirements
  • Provides centimeter-level RTK
  • Works in virtually every environment where high-accuracy GNSS receivers can be used
  • Tested and proven performance with long baselines, in open-sky environments, under heavy canopy, and in geographic locations experiencing significant scintillation
  • Pre-configured to test drive corrections from Atlas L-band corrections service
  • Enables global use, including with worldwide H10 service offering 8 cm 95% accuracy (4 cm RMS)
  • Includes aRTK technology which allows receiver to operate with RTK accuracies when RTK corrections fail

SiteMetrix Site Management Software

  • Complete 3D/GNSS site management and inspection tool, implementing most grading, mining, and landfill applications
  • Provides cut and fill information across job site in real-time, moving easily between vehicle to man-rover pole
  • Supports most GNSS receivers 
  • Features large amount of direct import files, including DWG, DXF, TN3, GC3, LN3, TIN, and GRD
  • Customizable user interface
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