Muir Omni Graphics, a leading manufacturer of industrial graphics and markings, announces it was awarded ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Standard and ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Standard re-certification based on standards established by the International Organization for Standards (ISO).
The audit was performed by a Certified Auditor from NQA, USA with headquarters located in Acton, MA. NQA is a leading global independently accredited certification body (registrar), providing assessments (audits) of organizations to various Management System Standards since 1988.
The success of this comprehensive external audit process is evidence of Muir Omni Graphics commitment to providing the highest quality services and solutions to their clients as well as the promise to continually evaluate all areas of business where its activities have an environmental impact.
“Muir Omni Graphics, celebrating our 50th year in business, is committed to continuous improvement throughout the company in order to meet our customer needs effectively while maintaining a high standard of quality,” says Andrew Muir, President of Muir Omni Graphics. “Attaining these re-certifications provides assurance to clients and employees that the company is both focused and compliant in meeting industry quality requirements and environmental standards by following disciplined and consistent business practices.”
Muir Omni Graphics has been ISO 9001:2008 certified since 1998 and ISO 14001:2004 certified since 2008.