dSPACE partnering with Abslnt to add capabilities to production code generator

dSPACE is working with Abslnt to incorporate Abslnt analysis tools with the dSPACE TargetLink production code generator.

D Space Press Release Target Link Absint Rgb 4 Print
Dspace 10055308

AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH is now a cooperation partner for dSPACE GmbH and a member of the TargetLink Partner Program. The two companies are working together to couple AbsInt analysis tools − aiT, StackAnalyzer and Astrée − with the production code generator dSPACE TargetLink. Timing errors, stack overflows and run-time errors due to erroneous model specifications can now be analyzed directly from within the TargetLink model and detected reliably in early development phases. Analyses can be configured largely to be automatic to provide more precise results.

The tool coupling combines model-based software development with the verification of nonfunctional requirements at the implementation level. It will provide seamlessly integrated development from model design, to production code generation, to certification, thereby, reducing development time while also enhancing software quality.
