‘From standard to tailormade’ was the theme of FPT Industrial’s presence at the world’s largest exhibition for machinery and equipment in the agricultural sector, Agritechnica, held in Hannover, Germany, November 10 to 14, 2015. Demonstrating its flexibility in delivering powertrain solutions regardless of the emission levels for both small and large agricultural OEMs, FPT presented a selection of its latest Stage IV/Tier 4 Final compliant engines from its range.
FPT has a wide range of off-the-shelf products from 2.2 to 20 l that can satisfy more than 90% of the requests coming from OEM customers, for applications from compact tractors to combines with the highest grain capacity in the world. If this is not enough FPT has the capability, with its seven R&D centers and over 900 engineers around the world, to develop the right product, matching even the most demanding request from its customers. An example of this is the HI-eSCR aftertreatment solution which, with up to 30 different easy-to-install aftertreatment system configurations for each power node, provides the perfect solution for most OEMs.
FPT Industrial’s smallest and largest Tier 4 Final engines were on display. The 3-cylinder, 2.2-liter R22, launched in 2013 and in production since the beginning of this year, is the most compact engine in the low displacement segment, offering high performance and low maintenance. At the other end of the scale, the 6-cylinder, 16-liter Cursor 16, last year’s Diesel of the Year, delivers 18-liter performance in a 13-liter compact package with best in class power and torque density, performance and service intervals.
Also on display was the N67 engine for medium size applications, which has a maximum output of 210 kW (286 hp), and the 8.7-liter Cursor 9 that delivers a power range of 175 to 305 kW (235 to 409 hp).
To comply with Stage V emissions standards, all engines above 4 l will use a new generation of FPT Industrial’s patented High Efficiency Selective Catalytic Reduction (HI-eSCR) aftertreatment technology. FPT Industrial confirms its long-term SCR-only strategy in order to achieve uprated standards. It’s one of the few manufacturers to retain an Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) free solution, continuing the competitive advantages achieved in Stage IV/Tier 4 Final, such as best in class in fuel economy and best in class in power and torque density.
In order to meet Stage V particle mass and particle count requirements, the second generation HI-eSCR system has an integrated particle filter on the SCR.
This flexible solution avoids additional redesign efforts from the vehicle manufacturer and will stay maintenance free, as its predecessor. Also with the integration of a particle filter, the system does not require active regeneration making it especially suitable for use in environments with a high risk of fire.
“At FPT Industrial we strive to keep total cost of ownership as low as possible and this is why we further developed our HI-eSCR technology, ensuring the lowest fuel consumption at the same time as the compliance to the latest emission regulations. This makes sure that OEMs do not incur additional development costs, due to product envelope, at the introduction of new emission standards,” says Massimo Siracusa, FPT Industrial’s Vice President for Product Engineering. “Our vast range of solutions offer huge flexibility to keep these development costs low for OEMs. We have a large range of options on each of our engines so that we can provide the right solution for everyone. If these are not sufficient, we have the R&D flexibility through our R&D centers around the world to create a bespoke solution that’s tailormade to an OEM’s exacting requirements.”