DEUTZ is rolling out its digital service portal (www.deutz-serviceportal.com) to an international audience. Users in 12 countries – including France, the U.S. and Singapore – can now identify and safely order the original spare parts and service parts they need by accessing DEUTZ documentation online.
DEUTZ, a manufacturer of innovative off-highway drive systems, had launched its online service portal for the German market at the end of 2017 as part of its digitalization strategy. The portal offers customers all the benefits of a modern e-commerce platform and makes it significantly quicker and easier for them to obtain original spare parts and service parts.
Workshop staff, end customers and equipment operators often find it difficult to navigate the vast volume of offers on the internet and find the exact part they need. Only the DEUTZ service portal can quickly and accurately identify all suitable parts. Its crucial selling point is that it offers direct online access to documentation for more than 1.5 million DEUTZ engines – i.e. access to information that always reflects the latest technical modifications and development status. One of its helpful features is that a list of matching spare parts can be displayed for each individual engine number. Ordering directly through the portal enables customers to eliminate the risk of inadvertently buying counterfeit or poor-quality parts.
But the roll-out of the portal does not mean that customers will have to cope without a local DEUTZ service partner in the future. In fact, the portal combines the benefits of the world wide web – unlimited availability round the clock – with the strengths offered by an expert local aftersales service. As part of the order process, customers select the DEUTZ service partner through whom they would like to obtain their original spare parts. The provision of parts delivery and aftersales support will remain in the hands of the local DEUTZ partner close to the customer. An additional benefit of this system is that parts can be supplied extremely quickly. They are sourced from the nearest warehouse and are delivered to the selected service partner within 24 hours in Europe. Overseas orders are delivered within 48 hours, provided no special customs barriers need to be cleared.
As Michael Wellenzohn, member of the Board of Management of DEUTZ AG for Sales/Service & Marketing, explains, “Driving digitalization in our aftersales segment is a key element of our growth strategy and is aimed at maximizing benefits for our customers in all respects. The direct access to our engine documentation is a strong USP of our service portal, which enables users to order original DEUTZ parts in a quick and convenient way.”
After Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and the U.S., Singapore has now become the twelfth country where the new online platform is available. The digitalization of DEUTZ’s international aftersales business is thus progressing according to schedule. The next rollout step will connect further markets in Europe, the Americas and Asia to the portal.