Sy-Klone RESPA-CF2 Cab Air Quality System

Sy-Klone's RESPA-CF2 Cab Air Quality System is a powered precleaner, filter and pressurizer.

Sy-Klone International
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The RESPA-CF2 is an advanced Cab Air Quality System which delivers a powered precleaner, filter, and pressurizer in one unit.

  • Keeps dust and debris outside of operator cabs in the most extreme work environments
  • Extends HVAC maintenance intervals while extending filter life which saves on filter and labor costs to the user
  • Powered precleaning technology allows cabs/enclosures to sustain positive pressurization while keeping particulate out, optimizing air quality and improving operator comfort
  • Particulate (HEPA – ISO 35 H; MERV 16), Gas, and Odor filtration options available

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