Design & Engineering Insights: New ISO Cab Air Quality Standard to Improve Equipment Operator Health

The new ISO 23875 air quality standard for cab enclosures is designed to protect machine operators from harmful respirable particulates found outside the cab in mining environments.

Jeff Moredock, Chair, ISO TC-82 Mining Working Group 9 and SVP at Sy-Klone International, says the new ISO 23875 standard is an air quality standard for cab enclosures. It was published in November 2020 and is designed to protect machine operators from harmful respirable particulates found outside of the cab in mining environments.

By applying engineering controls to the cab, air quality testing can be conducted to determine air quality in the cab meets the requirements of the standard. This is important to protect operators as there is a high risk of them breathing in harmful particulates in many of the operating environments in which they are working.

In addition to improving operator health, the new standard will provide a single, global standard for OEMs to follow. This will eliminate the burden of designing a machine cab to meet different standards in different parts of the world.
