On January 01, 2008 all fuel-operated heaters (bunk heaters and engine pre-heaters) are required to meet the California Air Resource Board's (CARB) ULEV II (Ultra Low Emission Vehicle's) idling emissions reduction requirements as outlined in 1956.8(a)(6)(D) and 2485(3)(B) of the Title 13, California Code of Regulations.
This regulation affects all Class 8 trucks and other commercial motor vehicles, including heavy-duty diesel-fueled vehicles with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) rating over 14,000 lbs. and all diesel-fueled commercial motor vehicles with GVW of over 10,000 lbs.
Espar Heater Systems announces that they are the first manufacturing company to have received certification and compliance to three of their popular fuel operated heating systems which they market to the truck and bus markets. The three heaters, which have been approved, are the Airtronic D2 (small bunk heater), Airtronic D4 (large bunk heater), and their Hydronic 5 (engine pre-heater).
No trucks will be allowed to idle for more than five minutes in the state of California starting on January 01, 2008. Penalties include fines from both the DOT and CHP. Trucks traveling into the state past that date will have an automatic shut down switch that will activate over the five minute time interval. In an effort to curb unnecessary idling, CARB adopted this mandate. At the same time they mandated that all anti-idling technologies including both fuel operated heaters and APU's meet certain restrictions when it came to exhaust gases. Limits were put on gases, which included Nox, CO, Particulate Matter, HCHO and NMOG.
"When the mandate was adopted over a year ago, Espar reacted immediately under the direction of Espar's President Volker Hohensee," says John Dennehy, V.P. Of Marketing and Communications for Espar Products. "It was a long and arduous task, involving significant costs but we knew it had to be done and we knew that we could confidently meet the imposed specifications," he continues.
Espar will now ship all heaters with stickers that indicate they are now CARB compliant. "We will have one on the heater and one for the driver to place on his vehicle, so that in the event the driver is asked for proof he can readily show the inspector that the heater has met conformance," Dennehy adds.