Power management company Eaton announces that its Pro-FX Electronic Controls and Software have helped Phoenix Curb Machines develop iTerra, a new custom-built controller for the company’s line of PCM Slipform Curb Machines. With Eaton’s Pro-FX technology, the controllers help create a more precise and accurate concrete application process.
“With Eaton’s Pro-FX technology, our iTerra controllers have made our PCM Slipform Curb Machines more precise and efficient, with jobs completed in less time,” says Stu Johnson, President and CEO of Phoenix Curb Machines/ConTech International. “The controller also features a complete self-diagnostic function, helping operators pinpoint and troubleshoot problems quickly, allowing for more pouring time and less downtime.”
Using Eaton’s HFX Programmable Controllers and VFX Programmable Displays, which are part of Eaton’s family of Pro-FX Electronic Controls and Software, Spencer Fluid Power created a solution that helps operators take control of every system function on the slipform curb machine to accurately apply concrete curb on roads and highways. With a single, easy-to-use and easy-to-understand interface, similar to that of a game controller, iTerra allows operators to control speed, hopper trim, cross-slope, vibrator speed and direction – all with the touch of a button.
With the success of iTerra, Phoenix has enlisted the technology on 40 machines in 2015 and is looking to apply similar control solutions to a broader range of equipment.