On Thursday, April 28, DEUTZ AG once again invited schoolgirls with an interest in engineering to take part in Girls' Day. The initiative gives girls the opportunity to find out about a variety of technical occupations on visits to companies. DEUTZ has been a keen participant in Girls' Day for many years, seeing it as a way of encouraging young women to think about working in the engineering sector.
At DEUTZ, the schoolgirls receive an introduction to the technical occupations in which it offers apprenticeships, while a corporate presentation tells them all they need to know about DEUTZ AG and its extensive product portfolio. Afterwards, the schoolgirls visit the technology center, where they can learn about the history of the world's first engine manufacturer and see the collection of historical engines – including the first-ever four-stroke engine.
As an added bonus for this year's young visitors, the info-mobile of the metalworking and electrical engineering (M+E) employers' association is on site. The info-mobile provides further details of occupations in the metalworking and electrical engineering industries and offers hands-on experiments to show what goes on at typical M+E workplaces.
Dr Margarete Haase, member of the DEUTZ Board of Management with responsibility for finance, human resources, investor relations and public relations, would like to increase the proportion of women working in technical professions. “For many years, DEUTZ has been giving girls the opportunity to gain an insight into the various engineering occupations with the aim of sparking their interest in technology. It is very important to me personally that we take part in this initiative because Girls' Day can show how exciting an apprenticeship in engineering can be, thus encouraging young women to consider a career in this field.”