SFP25686 and SFP25688 flow control cartridges

Sfp25686andsfp25688flowcontrolcartridges 10058439
20060213 Logo Source Pantone C 10282198

Source Fluid Power offers two pressure compensating, screw in flow control cartridges. When used with a remote fixed or variable orifice the  cartridge provides pressure compensated flow to a priority port, with excess flow diverted to a bypass. Flow to the priority port remains constant regardless of downstream load pressure, so a bypass flow may be used to operate additional functions.

  • SFP25686 rated for inlet flows to 33 gpm, cavity size is SFP18-4
  • SFP25688 (shown) is rated for inlet flows to 50 gpm, fits cavity size SFP24-4
  • Operating pressure for both cartridges is 3,000 psi
  • Valves are available as cartridges only or in standard bodies that incorporate a Source Motorized Flow Control
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