Baldwin Filters' Test Lab in China Designated a Weichai Power Test Laboratory

Baldwin Filters announces its lab in China has been designated a test laboratory for Weichai Power Test Laboratory.

China Lab
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Baldwin Filters' testing lab in China recently received the designation of Weichai Power Test Laboratory. Weichai Power is a major manufacturer of diesel engines in the Peoples’ Republic of China.

“Over the past number of years there has been considerable investment in upgrading the laboratory equipment,” says Shaun Nel, Director – China Operations. “A series of correlation tests have been completed to ensure accuracy and reliability of results.”

Baldwin’s lab in China is one of three the company operates within its worldwide facilities. Labs are also housed in facilities in the United States and Morocco.

“All of our labs are full service with equipment to test air and liquid filters,” says Dan Arens, Baldwin Filters Lab Manager. “We continue to add capabilities to all of our facilities so we can respond more quickly to our customers' needs and implement a faster product development cycle.”

“This certification will play an important role as we move to the next step of applying for national laboratory testing center certification (in China),” says Nel.

“We are proud to achieve this designation and look forward to achieving the national certification,” says Arens. “We continue to improve our capabilities to better serve our customers worldwide.”
