POSITAL’s IXARC high-precision magnetic absolute rotary encoders with BiSS-C (Bidirectional/Serial/Synchronous-Continuous) Communications interface are suited for commutation and position feedback on BLDC servo motors and fit for motion control applications.
- Features a robust design, 17-bit resolution and a dynamic response (up to 12,000 rpm)
- Based on the company’s kit (modular) encoders
- Multiturn variants feature a 32-bit rotation measurement range (over two billion revolutions)
- Self-powered rotation counter, using Wiegand energy-harvesting technology, eliminates the need for backup batteries or gear drive systems
- Wide range of mechanical configurations, with multiple options for housing and flanges, shaft type, and level of environmental protection are available
- Available with a 36 mm (1.42 in.) housing, enabling them to fit into the same mounting footprint as Size 15 resolvers
- Offers multiturn absolute digital position measurements, eliminating the need for an A/D converter
- BiSS-C is a high-performance interface that supports real-time communications between control devices and sensors/actuators in robots and other automation systems
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