ACTIA Electronics Offers Shock and Vibration Testing

Testing will help validate product reliability, minimizing warranty costs post-production for the manufacturer.

ACTIA Electronics offers shock and vibration testing for various electronic components and systems.
ACTIA Electronics offers shock and vibration testing for various electronic components and systems.
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ACTIA Electronics, the newest subsidiary of ACTIA Group, is now offering shock and vibration testing. These testing services are designed to reduce the cost of product development. Testing can be conducted on a product at any state of the development process—from prototype testing through production to ensure longevity of the product. Manufacturers who use ACTIA Electronics’ testing services will see a reduction in design verification time and expense as well as costly development cycles. Testing will help validate product reliability, minimizing warranty costs post-production for the manufacturer.  

ACTIA Electronics’ testing capabilities include: 

  • 100 lbs Combined fixture and device capacity  
  • 744mm x 742mm x 625mm Workspace  
  • 5-60 gRMS Acceleration Testing  
  • 5 pneumatic, impulse-type, lubricant-free actuators  
  • Six degrees of freedom, random shock,  
  • OmniAxial broadband vibration  
  • 7-75 gRMS (10 Hz to 5000 Hz) bare table 

Custom testing profiles can be created and to a manufacturer’s specifications. Various reporting is available such as data during the testing process and pictures of positioning which can help to ensure the accuracy of the test.  

ACTIA Electronics offers a variety of engineering and manufacturing services, including the newly available shock and vibration testing. Services include PCB assembly, contract design and electromechanical assembly.  
