Alliance Sensors Group, a div of H.G. Schaevitz LLC, has introduced the LRL-27 Series of long-stroke LVIT (Linear Variable Inductance Transducer) position sensors.
- Contactless operation prevents wearout from dither or cycling
- Operates from a variety of DC voltages
- Offers choice of four analog outputs, and all units include ASG's proprietary SenSet field scalability feature
- Features compact yet robust design, superior performance and excellent stroke-to-length ratio
- Five nominal ranges from 250-450 mm (10-18 in.)
- Anodized aluminum housing is 27 mm (1.05 in.) in diameter and sealed to IP67
- Radial cable exit version comes with swivel rod eye ends
- Axial termination versions with either M-12 connector or 1-m cable
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