Multi-Wing ƐPS Fan Blade Extensions

Multi-Wing's ƐPS Fan Blade Extensions features bristles on the end of each blade to minimize turbulence and increase pressure up to 25%.

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Multi-Wing introduces its ƐPS Fan Blade Extensions.

  • Features bristles on the end of each blade, closing the gap between the shroud and fan tip
  • Minimizes turbulence in the blade, improves fan performance and reduces noise
  • Increases efficiency by up to eight percentage points and pressure by up to 25%
  • Strength tested for durability in tough off-road applications and use in HVAC systems
  • Third-party tested for chemical resistance
  • Compatible with all Multi-Wing fans
  • Suited for operating temperatures up to 280 F (120 C)
  • Withstands loads of more than 1,016 N/in. (40 N/mm)
  • Performs at maximum operating speed for PAG fans
  • Performance and noise remain unchanged even after 400,000 impacts


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