BorgWarner's Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) waste heat recovery products and systems convert wasted exhaust heat into usable electrical energy.
Tailpipe and EGR Evaporators
- +60% tailpipe evaporator efficiency
- +80% EGR evaporator efficiency
- Thermally decoupled tube-shell construction
- Compact, modular design for ease of packaging and low cost
Exhaust Flap Bypass Valve
- Bypasses exhaust around tailpipe evaporator when required
- Two types: exhaust flap valve and throttle valve
- CAN-based eActuators for fast, precise proportional control
- May be installed upstream or downstream of evaporator
- Low pressure drop minimizes impact on engine performance
Turbine Expander/Generator/Pump
- 48V output
- 7 kW nominal, 13 kW max output
- 65% peak turbine efficiency
- Very low weight < 10 kg mass, compact package
- Integrated high pressure pump
- No oil lubrication required
Turbine Expander Power Electronics
- Bidirectional high speed motor controller
- For 48V vehicle systems
- Weighs less than 6 kg, compact package
- Water cooled
- Capable of up to 25 kW (can be scaled down)
Heat Exchanger/Condenser
- EGR Cooler technology yields compact, high efficiency design
- Stacked brazed plate and fin construction maximizes efficiency
- Proprietary brazing materials ensure long-term reliability
- Stainless steel provides compatibility for corrosive working fluids (e. g. ethanol)
ORC Waste Heat Recovery System
- Proprietary software tools enable rapid specification to a customer’s engine requirements
- System-level Simulations, Controls, and Testing have resulted in numerous design enhancements
- BorgWarner ORC components have run hundreds of hours on proprietary ORC system test rigs
- A broad product portfolio and system-level approach allow BorgWarner to maximize overall performance and durability at the lowest cost
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