Technology News Tracker: Scania Testing Autonomous Trucks in Australian Mine

Scania has partnered with Rio Tinto to test autonomous trucks at a mine in Western Australia.

The Scania XT 8x4 autonomous tipper truck has a driver in the cab to monitor performance and intervene if necessary.

Rio Tinto says testing vehicles smaller than its traditional haul trucks provides more flexibility for its operations.

Use of other autonomous mining equipment at its sites has enabled Rio Tinto to create safer and more efficient operations.

The project with Scania is Rio Tinto’s next step in evaluating options for delivering further improvements through automation.

Read more about Rio Tinto's other autonomous mining trials: 

Komatsu Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Commercial Deployment of Autonomous Haulage System

Caterpillar and Rio Tinto to Retrofit Cat Trucks for Autonomous Operation

Automation by Any Means Possible

The Growing Potential for Fully Autonomous Mines
